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JSMM Celebrating 20 Years In Social Media And Digital Marketing

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celebrating 20 years

JSMM Celebrating 20 Years In Social Media And Digital Marketing

Last Updated on November 9, 2023 by Valerie Jennings

Join us in commemorating a remarkable journey as JSMM reaches a significant milestone — 20 years of excellence in the world of social media and digital marketing. From humble beginnings to becoming a trailblazer, JSMM’s journey has been marked by innovation, growth and impactful achievements.

Celebrating 20 Years of Influence

For two decades, JSMM has been at the forefront of shaping the digital landscape through pioneering strategies in social media and digital marketing. Our anniversary is not just a celebration of time; it’s a celebration of visionary ideas, resilient teamwork and the countless success stories we’ve helped create for our clients.

A Glimpse into the Journey

Watch our special anniversary video that takes you through the highlights of our journey from the very beginning. Witness how we evolved alongside the dynamic digital world and adapted to the ever-changing trends.

“I founded Jennings Social Media and MarTech in 2003 with the passion for doing something I love and enjoy. Today, the agency is a leader in providing cutting-edge digital marketing and advertising resources to companies worldwide.

For me, making an impact in leadership means paving the way for women in business and upholding the values of entrepreneurship. I’m very proud of our growth and the contributions we’ve made to the industry.

We are so grateful to all of our clients, partners and team members for their trust and collaboration over the past two decades!” -Valerie Jennings, CEO of Jennings Social Media & MarTech

Embracing Excellence: Awards and Accolades

At JSMM, our commitment to excellence has been recognized globally. Our founder, Valerie Jennings, and the agency as a whole have received prestigious awards that underscore our dedication to driving transformation in the industry:

  • Marketing Executive of the Year – Silver Stevie Winner 2023: This award is a testament to Valerie’s leadership and innovative approach, setting benchmarks for marketing excellence.
  • TITAN Business Awards – Executives & Professionals of the Year – Transformation Leader of the Year – Platinum Winner 2023: This accolade acknowledges our agency’s role in spearheading transformation and innovation within the industry.
  • NYX Marcom Awards People & Teams, Marketing Agency – Grand Winner 2023: Our team’s hard work and dedication have been recognized on a grand scale, reaffirming our position as a leading marketing agency.

These are just some of the awards that stand out as a testament to our ongoing commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering exceptional results.

JSMM Celebrating 20 YearsLeading the Way in Marketing

As we look back on our journey, we take immense pride in our transformative impact on the marketing landscape. JSMM’s story is one of innovation, adaptation and a relentless pursuit of excellence across various domains of marketing:

1. Social Media Marketing: Pioneering Connection and Engagement

From the early days of platforms like MySpace to the modern dominance of Instagram and TikTok, JSMM has consistently been at the forefront of harnessing the power of social media. We understand that social media is more than just a platform – it’s a gateway to meaningful connections, authentic engagement and a space where brands can truly resonate with their audiences.

Driving Tangible Results: A Case Study

Tensentric, a client-driven by innovation in medical device design and manufacturing, provides a prime example of the impact of our social media strategies. Thanks to a data-driven marketing approach and A/B testing, Tensentric experienced a remarkable transformation in its LinkedIn outreach.

In just a few weeks, Tensentric’s LinkedIn acceptance rate skyrocketed from 5% to an impressive 25%. But the success story doesn’t end there. In three months, Tensentric witnessed a 4.5% increase in followers, a 5.71% increase in organic impressions and an outstanding 71% increase in page views. These statistics vividly demonstrate the potential of establishing meaningful connections and authentically engaging with a brand’s target audience through a growth marketing approach.

2. Digital Marketing: Navigating the Digital Landscape

The digital realm is a dynamic landscape where strategies evolve at the speed of technology. JSMM’s expertise in digital marketing spans various disciplines, from the intricacies of SEO to crafting compelling content marketing campaigns and engaging email strategies. We’ve navigated the complexities of the digital world, leveraging data-driven insights to enhance our clients’ digital presence and achieve tangible, measurable results.

Crafting Success through Innovative Campaigns

Delivering exceptional results in the digital space is exemplified by our approach to crafting effective campaigns through our collaboration with a convention center, where our goal was to highlight its recognition as a Top 20 Convention Center in North America. To achieve this, we developed a brand awareness campaign that specifically targeted event planners through strategic remarketing techniques and advertisements on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

Achieving Remarkable Results

Despite a limited ad spend of $5,000, our efforts yielded remarkable outcomes. The campaign garnered an impressive 253,569 total impressions on Facebook and 268,636 total impressions on Instagram. Even more noteworthy, the campaign achieved an average click-through rate (CTR) of 0.97%, surpassing the industry benchmark of 0.9%.

3. Influencer Marketing: Harnessing the Power of Influence

Understanding the influence of key opinion leaders, JSMM seamlessly integrated influencer marketing into our strategies. We recognize that authenticity and relatability are paramount in today’s marketing landscape. By collaborating with influencers who resonate with target audiences, we’ve facilitated authentic connections that elevate brands beyond traditional advertising.

Empowering Brands with Authentic Influence: A Success Story

With aspirations to tap into a fresh consumer market in Australia, Glyde Premium Dog Mobility Supplement required tactics that would swiftly yield data-rich analytics while extending its brand reach and social media engagement.

In January 2020, we launched an influencer marketing program tailored to their needs, achieving exceptional results. Witnessing a remarkable 37% growth in their following, the program also generated unsolicited testimonials lauding their product’s efficacy. Throughout the subsequent six months, the placements amassed thousands of post engagements and more than 25,000 impressions through both paid and product-trade influencer collaborations. These influential figures, aligned with the pet-friendly ethos, showcased our client’s nutraceutical product for osteoarthritis through heartfelt Instagram content, further amplifying brand authenticity and reach.


JSMM Celebrating 20 Years4. Brand Marketing: Forging Emotional Connections

At the core of our success lies the practice of crafting compelling brand narratives. JSMM has mastered the delicate art of storytelling, helping brands forge emotional connections with their customers. Our meticulous approach to brand marketing goes beyond selling products – it’s about weaving narratives that resonate with the values and aspirations of the audience, creating lasting brand loyalty.

Empowering Brands through Authentic Narratives and Transforming Engagement

Our commitment to authentic storytelling shines through our recent partnership, where we breathed new life into Deron Cherry Charitable Foundation’s digital presence. Beyond a website revamp, we embarked on a journey to revitalize their social media channels. This encompassed the development of a unique brand voice and a unified aesthetic across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter platforms. The result was a seamless blend of authenticity and visual cohesion that resonated deeply with their audience.

Inspiring Instagram Growth and Engagement

The impact of our approach was profound and swift. Within a mere 28 days of taking the reins of their Facebook page, our efforts ignited remarkable engagement growth. A surge of 73 new page followers was accompanied by a donation garnered from a fundraising event. Impressively, these achievements were magnified by a reach of 117,934 and an admirable 5,531 engagements. Transitioning to Instagram, we transformed their account into a trendy and captivating haven. In just two months, our strategic initiatives propelled organic growth, boosting their followers from 313 to 387 – an increase of 74 followers. Notably, their average post likes surged from 15 to 25, underscoring elevated engagement levels.

These marketing domains represent the stepping stones that have shaped our journey throughout the past 20 years. Each innovation, each breakthrough and each success story has contributed to the dynamic legacy of JSMM. We strive to be more than just marketers; we’re storytellers, relationship builders and trailblazers in an ever-evolving industry.

Partnering for Success: Testimonial from Masked Owl Technologies

But what truly makes our journey meaningful is the impact we’ve had on our clients. Alex Pool, President of Masked Owl Technologies, shares his experience: “Valerie and her team knew exactly what we needed to do. They brought priceless insight into the marketing and social media world. I think the most impressive aspect of dealing with JSMM is their ability to get me thinking in a new way. I know it can be hard to put a value on marketing, but I can say working with JSMM has been time and money well spent.”

Continuing the Journey

As we mark this significant milestone, we’re not just celebrating 20 years — we’re celebrating the impact we’ve had on businesses, the innovation we’ve brought to marketing and the relationships we’ve built. This event is not just a culmination; it’s a continuation. It’s a stepping stone to the future, where we’ll keep pushing the envelope, exploring new horizons and leveraging emerging technologies to drive success for our clients.

We’re reminded that the journey is far from over. The marketing landscape will continue to evolve, presenting new challenges and opportunities. But with our foundation of experience, expertise and a team dedicated to pushing boundaries, we’re ready to embrace the future and lead the way in shaping the next era of marketing innovation.

Thank You for Being Part of Our Story

To our clients, partners and collaborators who have contributed to our journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your trust and collaboration have been instrumental in our growth and success. As we look ahead, we invite you to continue being a part of our narrative as we venture into the next chapter of excellence in social media and digital marketing.

Written by

Valerie Jennings, founder and CEO of Jennings Social Media & MarTech (JSMM), is a trailblazing entrepreneur who established her agency in 2003 at just 24 years old. A pioneer in leveraging social media for marketing since 2005, Valerie has transformed JSMM from a niche PR firm into a globally recognized digital marketing powerhouse. Her strategic foresight and commitment to innovation earned her accolades such as the Top Women in Media Honoree and Marketing Executive of the Year by the Stevie Awards. An advocate for AI in marketing, Valerie holds an AI Certification from Coursera, led by Andrew Ng of Stanford University.

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